5052 aluminum plate, 5052 aluminum plate, 5052 aluminum plate
posted @ 2022年7月29日 14:56
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5052 aluminum plate
, 158 阅读
5052 aluminum plate is aluminum-magnesium alloy aluminum, and magnesium is the main alloying factor. Among 5052 aluminum alloys, it is one of the most widely used rust-proof aluminums, and the alloy has high vitality. Specifically, it first has fatigue resistance: plasticity and high corrosion resistance, cannot be strengthened by heat treatment, hardening plasticity is ideal in cold working, although this bloodless painting has low hardening plasticity, correct corrosion resistance, and suitable weldability , the cutting performance is terrible and can be polished.
Aluminum and magnesium alloys contain small amounts of manganese, chromium, beryllium, titanium and many other elements. Small amounts of manganese alloys are more stable solutions, the largest form being MnAl6. This effect of chromium and manganese is comparable in 5052 aluminum, increasing resistance to pressure corrosion cracking, improving base metal and weld vigor, and reducing the tendency for weld cracking, but this material is typically present in amounts not exceeding 0.35 %.
The use of Aluminum sheet is especially used where high plasticity and correct weldability are required, generally used in mobile cars, ship plates, steel components, equipment, lamp brackets and rivets, metal products, electrical enclosures, etc. It can also be used to manufacture aircraft gasoline fuel tanks, oil pipes, and aerospace aluminum alloy cloth. It is a standard anti-rust alloy cloth.