What is the price of a 3mm thick aluminium sheet?
posted @ 2023年8月28日 13:59
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3mm Aluminum Sheet
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Many people are searching for 3mm Aluminum Sheet price or 2mm aluminium sheet price online. In theory the aluminium sheet price has no relation to thickness of a sheet, for we usually give quotation at the unit of metric ton. The only possible way by which an aluminium plate price is related to thickness is that question sender wants a price at the unit of square meter. This is still difficult, for the price per square meter is given based on the price per metric ton. In spite of that, we can give a price scope ranging from $17 to $29 per square meter.
2 mm and 3 mm thick aluminium sheet plate are common thickness gauge of aluminium sheet plates on the market, and are also have wide application. Many common seen grades such as: 1060, 1070, 3003, 5052, 5083, 6061 aluminium sheet, etc., can be processed into the above thickness. Aluminium sheet with the thickness of 3mm occupy a large proportion of the orders of our Haomei aluminum. So many friends may ask for the price of 3mm aluminium sheet, here we give you the answer.
The aluminum processing industry generally knows that the price of aluminium sheets should be determined from the thickness, length and width, alloy grade, temper, performance requirements and also the delivery cost. The 3mm thick aluminium sheet only indicate the thickness, and the other factors like alloys, width, length and temper are lacking, because the price of different alloys in the same specification is also different. Pure aluminum plates like 1050, 1060, 1070 and 1100 are cheaper, and alloy plates like 3003, 5052 and 6061 are more expensive. So, the accurate price of 3mm aluminum sheet can not be ensured without other information, we only can give you quotation to know the usage and other diameters. Besides, the price matches the quality and service, if you find some suppliers with very low price, pay attention please, the performance of the aluminum sheet maybe can not meet your requirements. Find a trusted suppliers is an ideal method for saving cost in the future!
If you want a more specific specific price of a 3mm aluminium sheet, you are expected to provide more details such as alloy, temper, surface treatment methods and so on. Generally speaking, 1xxx aluminium sheets are the cheapest, and 3xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx successively more expensive, for they are related to different processes and tempers. For example, 3003, 3004, 5052 and 5083 are usually of HO temper which falls under cold rolling process, while 6061 and 7075 are usually of T temper indicating hot rolling. As a result, there is a large price disparity between 3003 H24 and 7075 T6 aluminium sheets. If you are getting the sheets coated or anodized, it involves extra surface treatment processes that entail extra costs.